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This control creates an image upload and selection interface.

<Control type="gallery" name="gallery_name" label="Gallery control" />


  • default - Defines the default value of the control of specifying attachment ID(s).
    Type: string

  • label - Defines the label of the control which will be displayed in the page builder.
    Type: string

  • name - Defines the name of the control which will be referenced to render the control value.
    Type: string

  • size - Defines the size of the images
    Type: string
    Default: full

  • wp_media - Enables or disables the ability to select media from the WordPress gallery
    Type: boolean
    Default: true

Rendering the control value

The value can be rendered in a template using Loop to loop through the image fields. See the attachment loop for available fields.

<Loop control=gallery_name>
<li>ID: <Field id /></li>
<li>URL: <Field url /></li>
<li>Alt: <Field alt /></li>
<li>Title: <Field title /></li>
<li>Caption: <Field caption /></li>
<li>Description: <Field description /></li>


In Gutenberg


In Elementor

In Beaver Builder