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24 docs tagged with "Blocks"

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Button Group

This control creates one or more buttons that can contain text or icons.


This control creates a checkbox that can be toggled on and off.

Color Picker

This control creates a color selection interface.

Combo Box

This control creates a searchable select field.

Control Visibility

Tabs, sections, and controls can be shown or hidden based on control values.

Date Picker

This control creates a date selection interface.


This control creates an interface to set vertical and horizontal dimensions.

Field Group

This control allows nesting controls in order to be able to loop through all the inner control values.


This control creates a file upload interface.


This control creates an image upload and selection interface.


This control creates a gradient color selection interface.


This control creates a number field that can be increased or decreased.


This control creates a list of options of which only one can be selected.


This control creates a repeatable group of inner controls.


This control creates a select field.


This control creates a switch that can be toggled on and off.

Tangible Blocks

Learn the syntax and accepted attributes for block controls in Tangible Blocks


This control creates a text field.

Text Suggestion

This control creates a text field with the option to append selectable data within the text field.


This control creates a rich text field.