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Dynamic Tags

Templates in Loops & Logic are written in familiar HTML syntax with dynamic tags. The following describes how a tag and its attributes are formed.

A tag is the basic building block of HTML documents. It is distinct from normal text and formed with angle brackets around the tag name, like <tag>. We'll call HTML tags like div and img static tags. In contrast with HTML's static tags, tags provided by the L&L template system, like Loop, are dynamic. They perform some action, usually on the server side, to generate the output. This output result is standard HTML for the browser.

List of dynamic tags

  • Date: This tag modifies, formats, or displays a date.
  • Embed: This tag embeds HTML based on a URL from any provider supported by WordPress.
  • Exit: This tag exits the current template, ignoring the rest of its content.
  • Field: This tag gets or displays content from a field either from the current item in a loop or the current post on which a template is placed.
  • Format: This tag takes given content and applies various types of formatting to it.
  • Get and Set: These tags create and recall different types of variables.
  • If: This tag creates logic statements to conditionally display content or run sections of markup when certain conditions are met.
  • JSON-LD: This tag creates structured data (schema) that can be added to the head of a web page.
  • List: This tag creates a list of items, also known as an array.
  • Load: This tag loads a template or file.
  • Loop: This tag finds every item of content in the database that matches a set of criteria and loops through its inner contents once per item.
  • Map: This tag creates a map of items, also known as an associative array.
  • Meta: This tag generates SEO meta tags.
  • Note: This tag displays notes within a template. Notes are not displayed when a template is rendered.
  • Path: This tag gets folder paths for various parts of the site.
  • Random: This tag generates a random number.
  • Raw: This tag stops dynamic tags contained within it from being rendered. HTML tags and content will still be rendered.
  • Redirect: This tag redirects a user to a URL or route.
  • Route: This tag gets all or part of the current URL route (everything after the domain name).
  • Setting: This tag gets site settings.
  • Shortcode: This tag renders shortcodes inside a template.
  • Taxonomy: This tag is a shortcut for creating a taxonomy term loop from the current post.
  • Template: This tag runs templates inside other templates and allows for passing data between templates.
  • Timer: This tag measures and displays the time it takes to render a template section.
  • Url: This tag gets various URLs for links.
  • User: This tag is a shortcut for creating a user loop for the current user.


Most of the dynamic tags in L&L represent features that are built into the core of the plugin. Some tags, which we refer to as modules, represent features or functionality that depend on third-party frontend libraries bundled within the plugin. In practice, modules are written and used in the same way as tags. However, using a module in a template loads its associated library, which can have minor performance impacts. There is no impact on performance when these modules aren't used in a template.

  • Async: This tag creates an empty HTML element and, after the page has loaded, makes an asynchronous request to the server to render the template, known as "lazy loading."
  • Cache: This tag stores the rendered template in the database along with an expiration time.
  • Glider: This tag creates a full-screen gallery glider.
  • Markdown: This tag renders inner contents using Markdown formatting.
  • Math: This tag allows for mathematical calculations within the template.
  • Mobile Detect: This attribute gets the type of device being used by the user; either mobile, tablet, or desktop.
  • Prism: This tag produces a code block with syntax highlighted in different languages. This is a module that loads a library when used.
  • Sass: This module extends the style tag to render the Sass styling language.
  • Slider: This tag displays a general-purpose gallery slider.

Syntax for tags

Tag name

Dynamic tags are always capitalized, like Loop and Field. This is in contrast to static HTML tags, which are in lowercase, like div and span. You might see a resemblance to React JSX, which has a similar syntax.

Self-closed tag

Just like in HTML, there are both open and closed dynamic tags. An example of a closed tag is <Field />. It can have attributes, but not inner content. Closed tags always end with />.

Wrapping tag

An open tag, for example <Loop>, can have both attributes and inner content. This inner content can be a simple as plain text or even other tags. Open tags are closed like </Loop>.

Syntax for attributes

Tag attributes are placed between the tag name and the closing angle bracket. They pass additional information to the tag, for example, image URL, or field name.

Key and value

An attribute is usually a pair of "key" and "value".

<Field name="title" />

Here, name is the key, and title is the value.

Quoted value

Note how the value is surrounded by "double quotes". The quotes are not necessary if the value contains only alphanumeric characters, - dash, and _ underscore. Use quotes when a value has a space or special characters like a slash / or angle brackets <>. If a value includes double quotes, you can use 'single quotes' around it.

Key with no value

Some attributes don't accept values and are written by themselves, such as the title attribute below.

<Field title />

With dynamic tags, this is usually a quick way to pass the name attribute, or the most commonly used attribute for that tag. The above example is equivalent to:

<Field name="title" />

Syntax for tags within attributes

To use tags inside an attribute value, replace <> with curly braces {}. This is useful for passing the result of a dynamic tag to another tag. For example, to create a link from a post URL:

<a href="{Field url}" alt="{Field title}">
<Field title />

Make sure to quote such attributes, as they usually contain a space. In most cases closed tags like Field don't need the slash / to close themselves inside an attribute.

Dynamic attributes

In most cases, attributes and their values can be changed dynamically using the curly brace syntax described above. However, HTML has some attributes that don't accept a value and are simply true or false based on whether they're added to a tag. These are sometimes called boolean attributes. In these cases, L&L's tag-attributes attribute can be used to dynamically add these attributes to a tag. This attribute simply renders its value as an attribute.

In the example below, the audio file will only autoplay and loop if the user visiting the page is logged in.

<audio src="music.mp3" tag-attributes="{If user}autoplay loop{/If}"></audio>

If the user is logged in, the HTML output by the template above will be:

<audio controls src="music.mp3" autoplay loop></audio>