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This control creates an interface to set vertical and horizontal dimensions.

<Control type="dimensions" name="dimensions_name" label="Dimensions control">
<List units>


  • default - Defines the default value of the control.
    Type: string
    Default: 0,0,0,0 (if multiple_values is false, the default is 0)

  • default_unit - Defines the default unit used in the control.
    Type: string
    Default: px

  • label - Defines the label of the control which will be displayed in the page builder.
    Type: string

  • multiple_values - If true, the control has four dimension values instead of one
    Type: boolean
    Default: true

  • name - Defines the name of the control which will be referenced to render the control value.
    Type: string

  • units - Defines the type of units available in the control
    Type: string
    Default: px

Rendering the control value

The value can be rendered in a template, style, or script.

In a template, use Get or Loop to render the control value.

<Get control=dimensions_name />

<Loop control=dimensions_name>
<ul class="card">
<li>Full: <Field value /></li>
<li>Top: <Field top /><Field unit /></li>
<li>Right: <Field right /><Field unit /></li>
<li>Bottom: <Field bottom /><Field unit /></li>
<li>Left: <Field left /><Field unit /></li>

In a style, use the standard syntax to refer to SASS variables.

$dimensions_name_unit: map_get($dimensions_name-map, 'unit');

.card {
padding: $dimensions_name;
margin-top: map_get($dimensions_name-map, 'top')#{$dimensions_name_unit};
margin-bottom: map_get($dimensions_name-map, 'bottom')#{$dimensions_name_unit};

In a script, use the standard syntax to refer to JS variables.



In Gutenberg

In Elementor

In Beaver Builder