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WP Fusion

The WP Fusion integration adds the following fields to the user loop type. These fields will generally be used to create conditional logic to check whether a user has specific tags or has access to a specific post.

  • wp_fusion_tags - An array of tag IDs
    Type: array
  • wp_fusion_access - User has access to current post
    Type: boolean


The wp_fusion_tags field can be used to check whether a user has a specific tag applied.

<If user_field=wp_fusion_tags includes value="123">
User has tag ID 123
<Else />
User does not have tag.

Create powerful logic using any of the list comparisons.

<h2>Users who have made a purchase</h2>
<Loop type=user field=wp_fusion_tags field_compare=any_starts_with field_value=purchased>
<Field full_name />


The wp_fusion_access field can be used to check whether a user has access to the current post.

<If user_field=wp_fusion_access>
User has access to current post.
<Else />
User does not have access.