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For loop type attachment, here are the query parameters and fields.

Query parameters


  • author - Include by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • category - Include by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • child_terms - Set "true" to include child terms for hierarchical taxonomies
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field - Filter by given custom date field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_format - For custom date field query, specify the date format of the field value - Default is "Ymd"; For date-time field, set "Y-m-d H:i:s". If it's a timestamp, use "timestamp". For custom field plugins other than ACF, you may need to use a different format.
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_type - For custom date field query, one of: date (default), time, datetime, number
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_value - Filter by given custom date field value, or "current"
    Type: string

  • custom_field - Filter by given custom field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_field_2 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_3 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_2 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_3 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type - For custom field query, one of: string (default), number, date, time, datetime
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_2 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_3 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value - Filter by given custom field value
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_2 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_3 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • exclude - Exclude by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_author - Exclude by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_category - Exclude by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_parent - Exclude by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_tag - Exclude by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • fields -

  • id - ID
    Type: string, array

  • include - Include by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • include_children - Include children
    Type: boolean

  • name - Name/slug
    Type: string, array

  • order - Order: asc (ascending) or desc (descending)
    Type: string - Default: asc

  • orderby - Order by one of: id, author, title, name, type, date, modified, random, comment_count, relevance, menu
    Type: string - Default: title

  • orderby_field - Order by custom field
    Type: string

  • orderby_field_number - Order by custom field whose value is a number
    Type: string

  • page - Page number
    Type: number - Default: 1

  • paged - Posts per page
    Type: number

  • parent - Include by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • post_type - Post type(s)
    Type: string, array

  • publish_compare - Publish date comparison - One of: "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • publish_date - Filter by publish date in Y-M-D format, "today", "X days ago" and other values compatible with strtotime() - Optionally use "publish_compare" attribute
    Type: string

  • publish_day - Filter by given publish day of the month, from 1 to 31, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_month - Filter by given publish month, from 1 to 12, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_week - Filter by given publish week, from 1 to 54, or "current" - Note: the "publish_compare" attribute is not supported for this field
    Type: number

  • publish_year - Filter by given publish year, or "current"
    Type: number

  • search - Search by given keyword - Prepending a keyword with a hyphen "-" will exclude posts matching it
    Type: string

  • status - Post status: publish (default), pending, draft, future, private, trash
    Type: string, array - Default: publish

  • sticky - Sticky posts: true (stick to top), false (exclude them), only (exclude normal posts) - By default, they are treated the same as normal posts
    Type: string

  • tag - Include by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • taxonomy - Include by taxonomy ID, slug, or "current" for taxonomy archive<br>Use with "term" and "taxonomy_compare" attributes
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_2 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_3 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_compare - One of "in" (default), "not", "and", "exists", and "not exists"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_2 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_3 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_relation - When using more than one "taxonomy" queries, can specify "and" or "or"
    Type: string

  • terms - Include by taxonomy term ID, slug, or "current"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_2 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_3 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • type -
    Type: string, array

Core fields

  • author - Include by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • category - Include by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • child_terms - Set "true" to include child terms for hierarchical taxonomies
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field - Filter by given custom date field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_format - For custom date field query, specify the date format of the field value - Default is "Ymd"; For date-time field, set "Y-m-d H:i:s". If it's a timestamp, use "timestamp". For custom field plugins other than ACF, you may need to use a different format.
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_type - For custom date field query, one of: date (default), time, datetime, number
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_value - Filter by given custom date field value, or "current"
    Type: string

  • custom_field - Filter by given custom field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_field_2 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_3 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_2 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_3 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type - For custom field query, one of: string (default), number, date, time, datetime
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_2 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_3 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value - Filter by given custom field value
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_2 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_3 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • exclude - Exclude by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_author - Exclude by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_category - Exclude by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_parent - Exclude by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_tag - Exclude by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • fields -

  • id - ID
    Type: string, array

  • include - Include by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • include_children - Include children
    Type: boolean

  • name - Name/slug
    Type: string, array

  • order - Order: asc (ascending) or desc (descending)
    Type: string - Default: asc

  • orderby - Order by one of: id, author, title, name, type, date, modified, random, comment_count, relevance, menu
    Type: string - Default: title

  • orderby_field - Order by custom field
    Type: string

  • orderby_field_number - Order by custom field whose value is a number
    Type: string

  • page - Page number
    Type: number - Default: 1

  • paged - Posts per page
    Type: number

  • parent - Include by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • post_type - Post type(s)
    Type: string, array

  • publish_compare - Publish date comparison - One of: "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • publish_date - Filter by publish date in Y-M-D format, "today", "X days ago" and other values compatible with strtotime() - Optionally use "publish_compare" attribute
    Type: string

  • publish_day - Filter by given publish day of the month, from 1 to 31, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_month - Filter by given publish month, from 1 to 12, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_week - Filter by given publish week, from 1 to 54, or "current" - Note: the "publish_compare" attribute is not supported for this field
    Type: number

  • publish_year - Filter by given publish year, or "current"
    Type: number

  • search - Search by given keyword - Prepending a keyword with a hyphen "-" will exclude posts matching it
    Type: string

  • status - Post status: publish (default), pending, draft, future, private, trash
    Type: string, array - Default: publish

  • sticky - Sticky posts: true (stick to top), false (exclude them), only (exclude normal posts) - By default, they are treated the same as normal posts
    Type: string

  • tag - Include by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • taxonomy - Include by taxonomy ID, slug, or "current" for taxonomy archive<br>Use with "term" and "taxonomy_compare" attributes
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_2 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_3 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_compare - One of "in" (default), "not", "and", "exists", and "not exists"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_2 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_3 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_relation - When using more than one "taxonomy" queries, can specify "and" or "or"
    Type: string

  • terms - Include by taxonomy term ID, slug, or "current"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_2 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_3 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • type -
    Type: string, array

Custom fields

  • author - Include by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • category - Include by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • child_terms - Set "true" to include child terms for hierarchical taxonomies
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field - Filter by given custom date field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_format - For custom date field query, specify the date format of the field value - Default is "Ymd"; For date-time field, set "Y-m-d H:i:s". If it's a timestamp, use "timestamp". For custom field plugins other than ACF, you may need to use a different format.
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_type - For custom date field query, one of: date (default), time, datetime, number
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_value - Filter by given custom date field value, or "current"
    Type: string

  • custom_field - Filter by given custom field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_field_2 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_3 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_2 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_3 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type - For custom field query, one of: string (default), number, date, time, datetime
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_2 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_3 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value - Filter by given custom field value
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_2 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_3 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • exclude - Exclude by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_author - Exclude by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_category - Exclude by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_parent - Exclude by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_tag - Exclude by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • fields -

  • id - ID
    Type: string, array

  • include - Include by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • include_children - Include children
    Type: boolean

  • name - Name/slug
    Type: string, array

  • order - Order: asc (ascending) or desc (descending)
    Type: string - Default: asc

  • orderby - Order by one of: id, author, title, name, type, date, modified, random, comment_count, relevance, menu
    Type: string - Default: title

  • orderby_field - Order by custom field
    Type: string

  • orderby_field_number - Order by custom field whose value is a number
    Type: string

  • page - Page number
    Type: number - Default: 1

  • paged - Posts per page
    Type: number

  • parent - Include by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • post_type - Post type(s)
    Type: string, array

  • publish_compare - Publish date comparison - One of: "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • publish_date - Filter by publish date in Y-M-D format, "today", "X days ago" and other values compatible with strtotime() - Optionally use "publish_compare" attribute
    Type: string

  • publish_day - Filter by given publish day of the month, from 1 to 31, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_month - Filter by given publish month, from 1 to 12, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_week - Filter by given publish week, from 1 to 54, or "current" - Note: the "publish_compare" attribute is not supported for this field
    Type: number

  • publish_year - Filter by given publish year, or "current"
    Type: number

  • search - Search by given keyword - Prepending a keyword with a hyphen "-" will exclude posts matching it
    Type: string

  • status - Post status: publish (default), pending, draft, future, private, trash
    Type: string, array - Default: publish

  • sticky - Sticky posts: true (stick to top), false (exclude them), only (exclude normal posts) - By default, they are treated the same as normal posts
    Type: string

  • tag - Include by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • taxonomy - Include by taxonomy ID, slug, or "current" for taxonomy archive<br>Use with "term" and "taxonomy_compare" attributes
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_2 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_3 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_compare - One of "in" (default), "not", "and", "exists", and "not exists"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_2 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_3 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_relation - When using more than one "taxonomy" queries, can specify "and" or "or"
    Type: string

  • terms - Include by taxonomy term ID, slug, or "current"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_2 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_3 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • type -
    Type: string, array


  • author - Include by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • category - Include by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • child_terms - Set "true" to include child terms for hierarchical taxonomies
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field - Filter by given custom date field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_format - For custom date field query, specify the date format of the field value - Default is "Ymd"; For date-time field, set "Y-m-d H:i:s". If it's a timestamp, use "timestamp". For custom field plugins other than ACF, you may need to use a different format.
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_type - For custom date field query, one of: date (default), time, datetime, number
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_value - Filter by given custom date field value, or "current"
    Type: string

  • custom_field - Filter by given custom field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_field_2 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_3 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_2 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_3 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type - For custom field query, one of: string (default), number, date, time, datetime
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_2 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_3 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value - Filter by given custom field value
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_2 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_3 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • exclude - Exclude by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_author - Exclude by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_category - Exclude by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_parent - Exclude by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_tag - Exclude by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • fields -

  • id - ID
    Type: string, array

  • include - Include by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • include_children - Include children
    Type: boolean

  • name - Name/slug
    Type: string, array

  • order - Order: asc (ascending) or desc (descending)
    Type: string - Default: asc

  • orderby - Order by one of: id, author, title, name, type, date, modified, random, comment_count, relevance, menu
    Type: string - Default: title

  • orderby_field - Order by custom field
    Type: string

  • orderby_field_number - Order by custom field whose value is a number
    Type: string

  • page - Page number
    Type: number - Default: 1

  • paged - Posts per page
    Type: number

  • parent - Include by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • post_type - Post type(s)
    Type: string, array

  • publish_compare - Publish date comparison - One of: "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • publish_date - Filter by publish date in Y-M-D format, "today", "X days ago" and other values compatible with strtotime() - Optionally use "publish_compare" attribute
    Type: string

  • publish_day - Filter by given publish day of the month, from 1 to 31, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_month - Filter by given publish month, from 1 to 12, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_week - Filter by given publish week, from 1 to 54, or "current" - Note: the "publish_compare" attribute is not supported for this field
    Type: number

  • publish_year - Filter by given publish year, or "current"
    Type: number

  • search - Search by given keyword - Prepending a keyword with a hyphen "-" will exclude posts matching it
    Type: string

  • status - Post status: publish (default), pending, draft, future, private, trash
    Type: string, array - Default: publish

  • sticky - Sticky posts: true (stick to top), false (exclude them), only (exclude normal posts) - By default, they are treated the same as normal posts
    Type: string

  • tag - Include by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • taxonomy - Include by taxonomy ID, slug, or "current" for taxonomy archive<br>Use with "term" and "taxonomy_compare" attributes
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_2 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_3 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_compare - One of "in" (default), "not", "and", "exists", and "not exists"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_2 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_3 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_relation - When using more than one "taxonomy" queries, can specify "and" or "or"
    Type: string

  • terms - Include by taxonomy term ID, slug, or "current"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_2 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_3 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • type -
    Type: string, array


  • author - Include by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • category - Include by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • child_terms - Set "true" to include child terms for hierarchical taxonomies
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field - Filter by given custom date field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_format - For custom date field query, specify the date format of the field value - Default is "Ymd"; For date-time field, set "Y-m-d H:i:s". If it's a timestamp, use "timestamp". For custom field plugins other than ACF, you may need to use a different format.
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_type - For custom date field query, one of: date (default), time, datetime, number
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_value - Filter by given custom date field value, or "current"
    Type: string

  • custom_field - Filter by given custom field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_field_2 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_3 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_2 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_3 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type - For custom field query, one of: string (default), number, date, time, datetime
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_2 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_3 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value - Filter by given custom field value
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_2 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_3 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • exclude - Exclude by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_author - Exclude by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_category - Exclude by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_parent - Exclude by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_tag - Exclude by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • fields -

  • id - ID
    Type: string, array

  • include - Include by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • include_children - Include children
    Type: boolean

  • name - Name/slug
    Type: string, array

  • order - Order: asc (ascending) or desc (descending)
    Type: string - Default: asc

  • orderby - Order by one of: id, author, title, name, type, date, modified, random, comment_count, relevance, menu
    Type: string - Default: title

  • orderby_field - Order by custom field
    Type: string

  • orderby_field_number - Order by custom field whose value is a number
    Type: string

  • page - Page number
    Type: number - Default: 1

  • paged - Posts per page
    Type: number

  • parent - Include by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • post_type - Post type(s)
    Type: string, array

  • publish_compare - Publish date comparison - One of: "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • publish_date - Filter by publish date in Y-M-D format, "today", "X days ago" and other values compatible with strtotime() - Optionally use "publish_compare" attribute
    Type: string

  • publish_day - Filter by given publish day of the month, from 1 to 31, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_month - Filter by given publish month, from 1 to 12, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_week - Filter by given publish week, from 1 to 54, or "current" - Note: the "publish_compare" attribute is not supported for this field
    Type: number

  • publish_year - Filter by given publish year, or "current"
    Type: number

  • search - Search by given keyword - Prepending a keyword with a hyphen "-" will exclude posts matching it
    Type: string

  • status - Post status: publish (default), pending, draft, future, private, trash
    Type: string, array - Default: publish

  • sticky - Sticky posts: true (stick to top), false (exclude them), only (exclude normal posts) - By default, they are treated the same as normal posts
    Type: string

  • tag - Include by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • taxonomy - Include by taxonomy ID, slug, or "current" for taxonomy archive<br>Use with "term" and "taxonomy_compare" attributes
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_2 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_3 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_compare - One of "in" (default), "not", "and", "exists", and "not exists"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_2 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_3 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_relation - When using more than one "taxonomy" queries, can specify "and" or "or"
    Type: string

  • terms - Include by taxonomy term ID, slug, or "current"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_2 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_3 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • type -
    Type: string, array

All parameters

  • author - Include by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • category - Include by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • child_terms - Set "true" to include child terms for hierarchical taxonomies
    Type: string

  • count - Limit number of items
    Type: number

  • custom_date_field - Filter by given custom date field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_format - For custom date field query, specify the date format of the field value - Default is "Ymd"; For date-time field, set "Y-m-d H:i:s". If it's a timestamp, use "timestamp". For custom field plugins other than ACF, you may need to use a different format.
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_type - For custom date field query, one of: date (default), time, datetime, number
    Type: string

  • custom_date_field_value - Filter by given custom date field value, or "current"
    Type: string

  • custom_field - Filter by given custom field - Faster than using "field", this queries raw field values in the database
    Type: string

  • custom_field_2 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_3 - See attribute "custom_field"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare - Compare using one of: "equal" (default), "not", "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_2 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_compare_3 - See attribute "custom_field_compare"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type - For custom field query, one of: string (default), number, date, time, datetime
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_2 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_type_3 - See attribute "custom_field_type"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value - Filter by given custom field value
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_2 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • custom_field_value_3 - See attribute "custom_field_value"
    Type: string

  • exclude - Exclude by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_author - Exclude by author ID, login name, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_category - Exclude by category ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_parent - Exclude by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • exclude_tag - Exclude by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • fields -

  • id - ID
    Type: string, array

  • include - Include by ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • include_children - Include children
    Type: boolean

  • name - Name/slug
    Type: string, array

  • order - Order: asc (ascending) or desc (descending)
    Type: string - Default: asc

  • orderby - Order by one of: id, author, title, name, type, date, modified, random, comment_count, relevance, menu
    Type: string - Default: title

  • orderby_field - Order by custom field
    Type: string

  • orderby_field_number - Order by custom field whose value is a number
    Type: string

  • page - Page number
    Type: number - Default: 1

  • paged - Posts per page
    Type: number

  • parent - Include by parent ID or name
    Type: string, array

  • post_type - Post type(s)
    Type: string, array

  • publish_compare - Publish date comparison - One of: "before", "before_inclusive", "after", "after_inclusive"
    Type: string

  • publish_date - Filter by publish date in Y-M-D format, "today", "X days ago" and other values compatible with strtotime() - Optionally use "publish_compare" attribute
    Type: string

  • publish_day - Filter by given publish day of the month, from 1 to 31, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_month - Filter by given publish month, from 1 to 12, or "current"
    Type: number

  • publish_week - Filter by given publish week, from 1 to 54, or "current" - Note: the "publish_compare" attribute is not supported for this field
    Type: number

  • publish_year - Filter by given publish year, or "current"
    Type: number

  • search - Search by given keyword - Prepending a keyword with a hyphen "-" will exclude posts matching it
    Type: string

  • status - Post status: publish (default), pending, draft, future, private, trash
    Type: string, array - Default: publish

  • sticky - Sticky posts: true (stick to top), false (exclude them), only (exclude normal posts) - By default, they are treated the same as normal posts
    Type: string

  • tag - Include by tag ID, slug, or "current"
    Type: string, array

  • taxonomy - Include by taxonomy ID, slug, or "current" for taxonomy archive<br>Use with "term" and "taxonomy_compare" attributes
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_2 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_3 - See attribute "taxonomy"
    Type: string, number

  • taxonomy_compare - One of "in" (default), "not", "and", "exists", and "not exists"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_2 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_compare_3 - See attribute "taxonomy_compare"
    Type: string

  • taxonomy_relation - When using more than one "taxonomy" queries, can specify "and" or "or"
    Type: string

  • terms - Include by taxonomy term ID, slug, or "current"<br>Use with "taxonomy" attribute
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_2 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • terms_3 - See attribute "terms"
    Type: string, number, array

  • type -
    Type: string, array


Attachment fields

  • alt - Image attribute alt

  • caption - Caption

  • description - Description

  • extension - File extension

  • filename - File name

  • id - ID

  • image - Image

  • size - File size

  • sizes - Responsive image attribute "sizes" for img tag - Accepts optional attribute "size" for image size name (default is "medium"), or width and height values in pixels separated by comma like "400,300"

  • srcset - Responsive image attribute "srcset" for img tag - Accepts optional attribute "size" for image size name (default is "medium"), or width and height values in pixels separated by comma like "400,300"

  • title - Title

  • type - File type

  • url - URL - Accepts optional attribute "size" for image size

All fields

  • all - Show all custom fields (for development purpose)

  • alt - Image attribute alt

  • ancestors - Ancestor posts from lowest to highest level; Set reverse=true to go from top-level down
    Loop type: current

  • archive_author - On an author archive page: Current author as a user loop

  • archive_post_type - On a post type archive page: Current post type as a loop

  • archive_term - On a taxonomy archive page: Current taxonomy term as a loop

  • author - Author
    Loop type: user

  • author_* - Modified author's user field
    Loop type: user

  • caption - Caption

  • children - Children
    Loop type: current

  • children_ids - Children IDs
    Loop type: current

  • content - Content

  • description - Description

  • edit_url - Edit URL

  • excerpt - Excerpt

  • extension - File extension

  • filename - File name

  • id - ID

  • image - Image

  • image_* - Featured image field
    Loop type: attachment

  • menu_order - Menu order

  • modified_author - Modified author
    Loop type: user

  • modify_date - Modify date

  • name - name/slug

  • parent - Parent
    Loop type: current

  • parent_* - Parent field
    Loop type: current

  • parent_ids - All parent IDs from current to top

  • post_class - Post classes

  • publish_date - Publish date

  • size - File size

  • sizes - Responsive image attribute "sizes" for img tag - Accepts optional attribute "size" for image size name (default is "medium"), or width and height values in pixels separated by comma like "400,300"

  • srcset - Responsive image attribute "srcset" for img tag - Accepts optional attribute "size" for image size name (default is "medium"), or width and height values in pixels separated by comma like "400,300"

  • status - Status

  • title - Title

  • type - File type

  • url - URL - Accepts optional attribute "size" for image size
