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The Format tag takes given content and applies various types of formatting to it.


<Format length=60>
<Field description />

The above will trim the field value to maximum length of 60 characters.


Use the case attribute to convert to the following cases.


For example, this:

<Format case=kebab>Hello, world</Format>

..will output: hello-world.


Use the code attribute to escape text for inline <code>, or <pre> block.

<Format code>this & that</Format>

..will output: this &amp; that.

It uses PHP's htmlspecialchars function.


Use the date attribute to apply date formatting.

It uses the excellent Carbon date/time library.

See the Date tag for details on formatting and additionally supported attributes.


<Format date="Y-m-d">today</Format>

..will output: 2022-07-18.

Use date=default to use the site setting from Settings -> General -> Date Format.

<Format date="l j F Y" locale=fr>today</Format>

..will output: lundi 18 juillet 2022.


Given a string, it returns the character at an index, position starting from zero (0).

<Format index=1>ABC</Format> == B

Negative index counts from the end of string.

<Format index=-1>ABC</Format> == C

It can be passed a list.

<Format list index=1>[1,2,3]</Format> == 2
<Format list index=-1>[1,2,3]</Format> == 3

It returns the item at an index starting from zero, or negative index.


It joins a list of parts into a string using a delimiter.

<Format join=",">[1,2,3]</Format> == 1,2,3

If no delimiter is given, it joins them with nothing between.

<Format join>[1,2,3]</Format> == 123


Use the length attribute to limit to a maximum length of characters.

<Format length=60>
<Field description />

It uses PHP's mb_substr function, which supports UTF-8 multibyte characters.

It can be combined with offset, which accepts an index (position number starting from zero).

<Format offset=2 length=2>ABCDEF</Format> == CD

Negative length cuts off characters from the end of string.

<Format length=-2>ABCDEF</Format> == ABCD

It can be passed a list.

<Format list length=2>[1,2,3,4,5]</Format> == [1,2]
<Format list length=-2>[1,2,3,4,5]</Format> == [1,2,3]


The list attribute applies a given format to every item in a list, and returns a new list.

<Format list case=lower>["Hello","World"]</Format>

Result: ["hello","world"]

This works for all format types, except for those that already work with a list: index, length, offset, join.

Format list can be combined to chain multiple formats for processing a list.

 <Format join=", ">
<Format list prefix="color-">
<Format list case=lower>
<Format list replace="/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/s" with="">
<Format split="," trim>#Red*, !Green), @Blue(</Format>

Result: color-red, color-green, color-blue

Match pattern

The match_pattern attribute returns a list of parts in a string that match the given regular expression pattern.

<Format match_pattern="/\d+/">Test 123 and 456</Format> == ["123","456"]

Also see the replace_pattern attribute and the If tag's matches_pattern comparison.

Pattern syntax

The syntax for regular expressions is extensively documented in PHP Manual: Pattern Syntax. Remember to use delimiters.

For a quick summary:

\dAny Digit
\DAny Non-digit character
.Any Character
[abc]Only a, b, or c
[^abc]Not a, b, nor c
[a-z]Characters a to z
[0-9]Numbers 0 to 9
\wAny Alphanumeric character
\WAny Non-alphanumeric character
{m}m Repetitions
{m,n}m to n Repetitions
*Zero or more repetitions
+One or more repetitions
?Optional character
\sAny Whitespace
\SAny Non-whitespace character
^…$Starts and ends
(…)Capture Group
(a(bc))Capture Sub-group
(.*)Capture all
(abc|def)Matches abc or def


Use the number attribute to format numbers.

<Format number decimals="2" point="," thousands=".">1000000</Format>

..will output: 1.000.000,00

It uses PHP's number_format function.

Optional attributes are:

  • decimals - Number of decimal places to display
  • point - Character for decimal point
  • thousands - Character for separating thousands


Given a string, it returns a part of the string from offset (an index starting from zero).

<Format offset=2>ABCDEF</Format> == CDEF

Negative offset counts from the end of string.

<Format offset=-2>ABCDEF</Format> == EF

It can be combined with length (described below).

<Format offset=2 length=2>ABCDEF</Format> == CD

It can be passed a list.

<Format list offset=2>[1,2,3,4,5]</Format> == [3,4,5]
<Format list offset=-2 length=1>[1,2,3,4,5]</Format> == [4]


It adds a string to the beginning (prefix) or end (suffix) of a string.

<Format prefix="color-">blue</Format> == color-blue
<Format suffix="-mode">sync</Format> == sync-mode

These are more useful for applying to every item in a list, with Format List.

<Format join=" ">
<Format list prefix="color-">

Result: color-red color-green color-blue


Use the replace and with attributes to replace pieces of text.

<Format replace=" " with="-">555 555 5555</Format>

The above example results in 555-555-5555.

The same attributes are supported in Field tag.

<Field phone_number replace=" " with="-" />

Multiple replaces

To replace multiple different texts, use:

  • replace_2 and with_2
  • replace_3 and with_3

Replace pattern

Use the replace_pattern and with attributes to replace text matching a regular expression pattern.

<Format replace_pattern="/http(s?):\/\//" with=""></Format>

For details on the pattern syntax, see the match_pattern attribute.

Remove HTML

Use the remove_html attribute to strip content of all HTML tags. For example, the template below would output 12345.

<Format remove_html>
<a href="">123</a><script>alert("hi")</script><b>456</b>


Use the start_slash or end_slash attributes to ensure that a URL or string has a starting or ending slash. Use start_slash=false or end_slash=false to remove the starting or ending slash. For example, the following template would output example/:

<Format start_slash=false end_slash>/example/</Format>

This can be helpful when working with URLs, as shown below.

<a href="{Format end_slash=false}{Field url}{/Format}/child-page">Child page</a>


Use the slug attribute to strip out HTML tags, convert to lowercase, remove special characters, and replace spaces with dashes. For example, the template below would output this-is-a-simple-string.

<Format slug>This is a <em>simple</em> string!</Format>


It splits a string into a list of parts using a delimiter.

<Format split=",">A,B,C</Format> == ["A","B","C"]

If no delimiter is given, it splits by character.

<Format split>ABC</Format> == ["A","B","C"]

It can be combined with trim.

<Format split="," trim>A, B, C</Format> == ["A","B","C"]


It trims (removes) whitespace or other characters from the beginning and end of a string.

<Format trim>  Hi  </Format> == Hi
<Format trim="-~*">-~*123*~-</Format> == 123

It has variants trim_left and trim_right. These can be combined.


Use format url_query to encode URL query string.

<Format url_query>?key=value with some spaces</Format>

Usually, this is passed to a link href attribute. It's probably easier to set it to a variable first.

<Set q><Format url_query>..</Format></Set>
<a href="{Get q}"></a>


Use words to trim content to the specified number of words.

<Format words="2">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</Format> == Lorem ipsum